
上海 | 3-5年  | 本科  | 全职 
2024-04-11 09:18 发布于4A招聘
1.消化Brief,把握创意方向,引导创意发展,启发创意思路; 2.负责配合品牌项目提案和策划,参与创作讨论,配合相关文案的执行工作; 3.负责客户各类campaign.热点话题创意的讨论,发想以及文案创意的项目执行; 4.准时.优质.高效完成各类事件行销的策划方案,并能以多样的表现方式呈现; 5.能够表达创意理念,并进行流畅的创意阐述。 6.能全局把控创意内容方向并对文字有优秀的驾驭能力 1.Debrief effectively, inspire creative ideas, provide strategic and creative vision to drive and grow the business; 2.Responsible for leading brand pitches, participating in creative discussions and copywriting; 3.Use creative and strategic thinking, creative brainstorming, industry knowledge and copywriting to ensure the most appropriate creative response to a client brief; 4.Ensure quality and efficiency is maintained throughout and that the work can be displayed in various ways; 5.Express and interpret creative concept in an easy and smooth way; 6.Supervise overall creative content, possess demonstrated writing skills.
1.语言学.广告学.新闻学等相关专业;非相关专业但热爱广告创意以及能力强者尚可 2.5年以上相关行业工作经验; 3.优秀的文笔.蓬勃的创意激情和丰富的创意能力.富感染力的语言表达能力,善于沟通,良好的协作精神, 能够适应较大的压力,能快速分析客户需求,机动性及主观能动性强; 4.擅长各种内容.风格的文案撰写; 5.思维活跃,善于表达沟通,热情以及责任感;有快消.互联网.运动品牌行业经验者优先。 (PS:投递简历时请同时附上个人作品集) 1.Linguistics, advertising, journalism related majors, open for other strong candidates who have passion for advertising and creative industry; 2. 5 years of working experience in relevant industry ; 3. Excellent writing skills, thriving creativity and passion, contagious language competence, outstanding communication skills and team spirit, stress-resistant, quick response to clients' needs, high mobility and strong initiative; 4. Expert in writing various styles and contents; 5. Active in thinking, enthusiastic and possess a strong sense of responsibility; he who has experience in FMCG, Internet, sports industry is preferred. (P.S. Please attach your personal portfolio)
上海黄浦区中山南一路768号 博荟广场 A座 8F


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